Midori Foreign Students House is established by Shimo-Ochiai Church of the United Church of Christ in Japan and it is aiming to enhance international exchange by providing a dormitory for female students where they can study with good environment. Why don’t you join us and spend more fruitful time in Japan? To check the details and availabilities, please see our facebook page or email us at any time.
・個室タイプ(21.75 ㎡+バルコニー)、バス・トイレ付です
・Wifi 完備、家具付き(ベッド、机、本棚、冷蔵庫、洗濯機、エアコン)
【Features of Midori Foreign Students House】
・Good location (Accessible to 5 stations of 4 lines)
・Studio type (21.75 ㎡ + Balcony),Bath & Toilet
・Wifi Available, Furnished (Bed, Desk, Bookshelf, Refrigerator, Washing-machine & Air-Conditioner)
・Located in a quiet residence area in Ochiai
・Various exchange program with supporters and other sutdents
〒161-0032 東京都新宿区中落合4-3-1
【Address】4 Chome 3-1 Nakaochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 161-0032
【Access】4-minute walk from “Ochiai-Minami Nagasaki” station (Oedo line), 10-minute walk from “Nakai” (SeibuShinjuku-line), 15-minute walk from “Higashi-Nagasaki” and “Shiina-machi” (Seibu Ikebukuro line) and 15-minute walk from “Ochiai” (Tozai line).
【Room】Number of rooms: 8 rooms (4 rooms x 2 floors - 2nd and 3rd floor) , Reinforced concrete building (3 floors).All room equips with balcony with a view of the garden of Shimo-Ochiai Church and kindergarten located in a same property. 1F is a residence of pastor and his family.
【Admissions】Female students who are studying at universities or grad school only.
【Dormitory fee】60,000 yen/month (including common service expenses. Fuel, light and water expenses are paid by the resident) 1 month deposit and no key money.
【Subsidy program】Those who have a recommendation letter from a regents professor and agree the conditions can receive a subsidy from Midori Foreign Students House Foundation. (FY2022 : 8,000 yen per month.)
Midori Foreign Students House
(Shimo-Ochiai Church)
Email: midori.fsh@gmail.com